No! All of our oat-based cereals (muesli, protein oats, oat protein cereal) are certified glyphosate residue free by the The Detox Project. Based on government limit of detection protocols and default Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), which are usually 10 parts per billion (ppb) for all pesticides.
We do not and will not ever use high intensity sweeteners, like erythritol, in our products. Why? We are not food scientists and steer clear of anything we can't find in our own kitchen. So as far as sweeteners go, we stick to the bees and the trees. Last but not least, real food just tastes better.
Yes, all our products are made with naturally gluten free ingredients! Our muesli products are also Certified Gluten Free by GFCO. Our Protein Oats, Oat Protein Cereal, and Sunflower Cereals use new-to-market upcycled protein ingredients which are naturally gluten free but not yet certified gluten free. Because we are repurposing the nutrient dense byproduct from oat milk and sunflower oil producers, we have less control over the original source of the oats and sunflower. We are able to confirm the raw oats have tested below 10 parts per million (ppm) gluten prior to oat milk production. We also do a final test for gluten in all of our products and test to the required level for gluten free labeling. If our product is labeled gluten free it was tested to below FDA required levels of 20 ppm. If you see a certified gluten free label on the product, gluten levels were tested to below 10 ppm.
Our Farmer's Market Mix is our first certified organic product. All of our remaining products are Non-GMO Project Verified and we are working toward purchasing more and more ingredients organically. Currently, our “conventional” mixes contain about 30-50% organic ingredients. We are currently working with several family farms who are in transition to becoming certified organic.
Our farm-level focus right now is promoting soil health, drawing down carbon and preserving nutrient density through regenerative agriculture. We are working with the Soil Carbon Initiative (SCI) to transition our entire acre footprint to regenerative agriculture practices within the next 10 years.
No, all of our products are Non-GMO Project Verified!
No peanuts are used in our products, and our cereals are produced in peanut-free facilities. The only allergens in our products are tree nuts (almonds, pecans and coconut). Our cereals are made in a facility that also processes egg, dairy, wheat, sesame and soy. In order to eliminate cross contamination, there are strict allergen programs in place that require thorough wash downs between each product line and flavor.
Check out our full allergen info here.
Yes, our products are Kosher Certified by Orthodox Union Kosher certification service.
One of our favorite questions! Ready for your history lesson? Find out what muesli is and how it was created here.
One of the best things about mueslis is the versatility. Eat it cold, hot, soaked, or right out of the bag. Check out our Ultimate Guide: How to Eat Muesli.
Our pouches are made from at least 30% post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials, like milk jugs, reducing our demand for virgin plastic. Even better, you can now recycle our pouches with Ridwell, and get 20% off your monthly plan through our Recycling Program. Read more here.
We thought you'd never ask! Check out our store locator to find out where we're sold in store near you. Prefer to buy online? Browse our full lineup on sevensundays.com + Amazon or shop select Seven Sundays products on Hungryroot, Wholefoods.com,and Sprouts.com
We regularly test our products for heavy metals. Visit our more detailed Heavy Metals Testing page here.
Aww, shucks.
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