“I look forward to sitting down and eating meals with my young children,” said no one, ever. Not a one of us over here at Seven Sundays would claim to be any expert on this topic. But we all agree that the more you involve your kids in the process - gardening, planning, shopping and preparing - the more success you will have getting them to try new things and, ultimately, establishing healthy habits.
With that, we thought that those of you with youngins (or the young-at-heart) would be interested to hear what the Seven Sundays’ kids eat for breakfast each morning. The bowls below have been meticulously crafted by our collective five kids (ages 1 to 8).
June, Age 2, prefers a big bowl of Cinnamon Sunflower Cereal and recommends an extra big splash of milk on top for the ‘bowl tip’ finishing technique.
Grace, Age 1, prefers a bowl of Wild & Free soaked overnight for softer texture while growing teeth and recommends serving endless pieces of fresh fruit on the side.
Parker, Age 2, prefers a chocolatey bowl of Early Riser served with "strawbaws" and a dollop of yogurt on the side to dip your spoon in.
Emry, Age 5, prefers the ultimate berry-filled combo of Wild & Free and Berry Sunflower Cereal and recommends nut milk for sensitive tummies.
Louis, Age 8, prefers a bowl of Bircher muesli and recommends a hearty drizzle of honey on top to start the day off right.