As parents and small family business owners, we have spent the last few days processing the flood of information and rollercoaster of emotions. At Seven Sundays, parts of our business have been paused, and we are taking care of our employees, our first responsibility. Mostly, we are working as hard as we ever have to keep our warehouse and the grocery shelves full. It is a huge compliment to see so many people trusting Seven Sundays to provide food and nutritional needs during this difficult time. Thank you.
Unlike so many small businesses that our hearts go out to, Seven Sundays has not yet been hit hard since the demand for shelf-stable, nutrient dense packaged foods remains high. While no one knows what the future will bring, we sat down as a team yesterday, acknowledged the position we are in, and decided to act right away to do our part while we can.
Effective one week ago (March 10), when we first started to see a surge in our online orders, and continuing until April 10th, we are donating ALL PROCEEDS from orders placed on our website to The Sheridan Story. The Sheridan Story is a non-profit organization who, for over a decade, has helped food insecure families fill the weekend food gap by providing healthy and quality food bags to schools. We feel that they are in the very best position to make a large and meaningful impact by serving the most vulnerable families during this uncharted time. Our goal is to impact 500 families over the next month.
Beneath the worry, we feel a sense of hope forming that our communities (neighborhoods, social, and industry) will come together to help each other during this challenging time and positive changes will come out of all this. If you have ideas for additional ways we can be helpful to your community, we would love to hear your thoughts. Please email me at
Be well,