Our Blueberry Chia Buckwheat muesli has quickly become our #1 selling flavor of muesli. Something about that combination of nutty buckwheat, tart blueberries, pops of chia and a hint of lemon has really resonated with people. So why would we mess with such a good thing? To make it even BETTER, that's why!
At Natural Product Expo West this past spring, we were introduced to WILD blueberries and instantly fell in love. Since then, we've been working to bring to market the first ever Wild Blueberry Muesli (caveat: that we know of!). It will be first hitting the shelves at Costco in the Midwest, followed by select Target stores across the country. We are also using them into our blueberry lemon muesli squares.
So what is so great about WILD blueberries? Well as with most things in the food world, Mother Nature knows best! Unlike regular blueberries, wild blueberries are not planted. They only grow wild, where She decided to put them. These tiny gems have a 10,000-year-old heritage beginning in the post ice age acidic soils of Maine, Eastern Canada and Quebec.
The continent's first inhabitants picked these tiny wild berries for their flavor, nutrition and healing abilities. The harsh climate, and what it takes to survive in it, gives wild blueberries the high level of antioxidants (2X that of cultivated blueberries) and potent blueberry taste. They combat stress in the wild by producing powerful phytochemicals like anthocyanins to protect themselves. These are the same natural plant compounds that protect us from inflammation and chronic disease when we eat them.
If that is not enough to convince you, wild blueberries have an amazing sustainability story. They are a low-input native crop requiring minimal management, mainly because they are naturally resistant to many native pests. No pesticides means it is great for the native bee population, who are exceptional pollinators.
A true forager at heart, I could NOT be happier about to bring wild blueberries to the breakfast table. Be on the look for those bags of WILD muesli in stores later this year and early next. And let us know when you find it - we'd love to hear from you!